Optimal odor intensity in simple olfactory neuronal models

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Rok publikování 2007
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Signal processing in olfactory systems is initiated by binding of odorant molecules to receptor molecules embedded in the membranes of sensory neurons. Different models of olfactory sensory neurons (concentration detectors) have been investigated. Their behavior is described by stochastic processes of binding (and activation). The models assume that the response, concentration of bound (activated) receptors, is determined by the signal, s, which is fixed log-concentration of odorant in a perireceptor space. Dependency of the mean response on the signal is realized through the input-output transfer function (usually the logistic curve), f(s). How the concentration of bound (activated) receptors can code the intensity of odorant is analyzed using the statistical properties of the steady-state responses.
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