Informace o projektu
Laboratoř struktury a dynamiky biomolekul
- Kód projektu
- VS96095
- Období řešení
- 7/1996 - 12/2000
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
- Posílení výzkumu na vysokých školách
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Přírodovědecká fakulta
- prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc.
The subject of the proposal is to create Laboratory of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. An efficient scientific program is proposed, which will ensure that two recent large investment activities (the supercomputer project and the NMR instrument) will efficiently be used. The project is a combination of NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and computer modeling. The scientific goals include both methodoly development and its applications on biologically interesting molecules. The systems studied will include oligonucleotides, peptides, carbohydrates, nucleotide-sugars, and proteins. The strategical direction for high technology will be biodegradation in the environment.
Počet publikací: 27
Molecular dynamics of DNA quadruplex molecules containing inosine, 6-thioguanine and 6-thiopurine
Biophysical Journal, rok: 2001, ročník: 80, vydání: 1
15N NMR Studies of Nitrogen Heterocycles: Examples on Tautomerism and Regioisomerism
XXII Finnish NMR Symposium, rok: 2000
15N NMR studies on tautomerism and regioisomerism of nitrogen heterocycles
15th European Experimental NMR Conference (EENC), rok: 2000
1H-, 13C-, 15N-NMR and Quantum-Chemical Study of the Quaternary Benzo[c]phenanthridine Alkaloids and Their Bases
ANZMAG 2000, rok: 2000
A Method for Direct Determination of Helical Parameters in Nucleic Acids Using Residual Dipolar Couplings
Journal of the American Chemical Society, rok: 2000, ročník: 122, vydání: 42
An A-type Double Helix of DNA Having B-type Puckering of the Deoxyribose Rings
Journal of Molecular Biology, rok: 2000, ročník: 297, vydání: 4
Docking-Based Development of Purine-like Inhibitors of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 2
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, rok: 2000, ročník: 43, vydání: 13
Hydrogen Bonding Effects on the N-15 and H-1 Shielding Tensors in Nucleic Acid Base Pairs
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, rok: 2000, ročník: 145, vydání: 1
Single-coordinate-driving method for molecular docking: Application to modeling of guest inclusion in cyclodextrin
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, rok: 2000, ročník: 2000, vydání: 18
Unrestrained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of d(AT5]2 Duplex in Aqueous Solution: Hydration and Sodium Ions Binding in the Minor Groove.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, rok: 2000, ročník: 122, vydání: 22