25. 9. Kariérní centrum jede na Ekonomku! (Kariérní centrum MUNI) 11:30 – 14:00 Od roku 1994 má ESF více než 14 000 úspěšných absolventů. Buď další, kdo vystřelí do praxe jako akcie za posledních deset let. Stav se za námi pro tipy pro Tvůj kariérní rozvoj.
19. 9. Vittorio Pelligra: Trust, Reciprocity and Menu-(in) dependence (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 15:15 Menu-dependence is a feature of a decision process according to which people behave differently not only because of the differences in the payoffs associated with the outcomes of their choices but also...
5. 6. Klára Moravcová: The Global Impact of the European Central Bank – Monetary Policy Spillover Effect (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 13:00 The European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy for countries using the euro. However, existing literature proposes that the monetary policy of the Eurozone...
24.–25. 5. PEARL (Public Economics At the Regional and Local Level) 2024 9:00 – 13:00 The aim of the workshop (PEARL) organized at ECON MUNI is to provide doctoral students and young academics with the opportunity to present the results of their research work and to receive feedback from participants and discussants.
23. 5. Nikolas Mittag : How Does Potential Unemployment Insurance Benefit Duration Affect Re-employment Timing and Wages? (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 14:00 Recent papers use models of job search to interpret quasi-experiments with heterogeneity in order to understand the effects of unemployment insurance and potential benefit duration (PBD), but disagree...
16. 5. Michal Bauer: Religious Leaders, Pro-sociality and Clusters of (In)Tolerance (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 14:00 In this paper, we test the idea that religious leaders play a central role in shaping pro-sociality and religious (in)tolerance within their churches. Using controlled allocation tasks, we directly elicit...
16. 5. Vittorio Larocca: Stochastic Cooperation of Non-Mutually Dependent Sellers (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 11:30 We consider the strategic interaction between two sellers facing demand of different customers who are related by a one-sided externality: only the price of one seller affects the other seller’s demand....
13. 5. Tomáš Holub: Inflační perioda: Stylizovaná fakta, příčiny a lekce z pohledu centrálního bankéře (Seminář z cyklu MUES) 10:00 Nedávná inflační vlna zvedla inflaci vysoko nad cíle centrální bank. Bývalé transformující se ekonomiky měly (ne)překvapivě vyšší růst cenové hladiny než ostatní země EU. Co stálo za nedávnou inflační...