Determination of Thicknesses and Spectral Dependences of Refractive Indices of Non-Absorbing and Weakly Absorbing Thin Films Using the Wavelengths Related to Extrema in Spectral Reflectances

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Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vacuum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Optics, masers and lasers
Keywords Thin films; Spectral reflectance; Optical parameters
Description In this contribution a new efficient modification of the method enabling us to perform the optical characterization of non-absorbing and weakly absorbing thin films without using the absolute values of the reflectances measured will be presented. Namely, this modification is based on determining the values of the wavelengths corresponding to the points of touching the spectral dependences of the reflectances of the studied films measured for several angles of incidence with the envelopes of maxima and minima of these spectral dependences. By means of combining the explicit formulae containing the wavelengths mentioned and the suitable iteration procedure one can evaluate the values of the thicknesses and spectral dependences of the refractive indices of the films analyzed in both reliable and precise ways. This fact will be demonstrated through the optical characterization of non-absorbing films of silicon dioxide and weakly absorbing films of photoresist placed on silicon single crystal substrates. The results of this characterization will be compared with those achieved using a combined method of variable angle of incidence spectroscopic ellipsometry and near normal incidence spectroscopic reflectometry.
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