Project information
Common laboratories for applied plasma physics and plasma chemistry in PřF and PedF MU, VA Brno and ÚFP AV ČR in Prague


This project doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Science. Official project website can be found on
Project Identification
Project Period
7/1996 - 12/2000
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
joint laboratory, young scientist, plasmachemistry, chemical kinetics, hard materials, PECVD, protective coatings, high-pressure discharge, ignition of poor mixtures, removal of toxic waste

The goal of the project is to create joint laboratories which will permit young scientific staff of Fac. of Sciences, MU, Fac. of Pedagogy, MU, Military Academy and Institute of Plasma Physics of AS to participate in the research (collaboration since 199) supported by three grants of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.The research will be focused on studies of kinetics of plasmachemicalreactions and processes, mainly those involved during deposition of thin films (layers of hard and superhard materials,optically transparent oxinitride and oxicarbide layers, ceramic and polymeric layers based on organometals). The inherent part of the research will be the determination of electrical, mechanical and optical properties of these materials. New means ofignition of very poor mixtures in combustion engines using high-pressure gliding discharge will be developed. Research and development of new plasmachemical devices and technologies, capable of removal of highly toxic wastes, produced by the Army.


Total number of publications: 55

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