Identification of genes participating in the regulation of CKI1 expression using forward genetic approach

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Název česky Identifikace genů podílejících se na regulaci exprese genu CKI1 za užití přístupu přímé genetiky


Rok publikování 2009
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Citace DOBISOVÁ, Tereza a Jan HEJÁTKO. Identification of genes participating in the regulation of CKI1 expression using forward genetic approach. In Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development International symposium (ACPD 2009), July 10-14, Prague, Czech Republic. 2009.
Popis Overexpression of a hybrid histidine kinase CKI1 results into cytokinin-independent activation of two-component signaling pathway and cytokinin-like response in Arabidopsis hypocotyl explants. CKI1 was found to be involved in the female gametophyte development and procambium activity during vascular tissue formation. Recent data suggest that regulation of CKI1 expression might contribute to the regulation of twocomponent signaling. We used forward genetics approach to identify the factors regulating the activity of CKI1 promoter. Stable transgenic lines carrying ProCKI1:uidA construct were mutated using EMS and M2 seedlings were screened for changes in the GUS pattern. To eliminate constraints of the rate-limiting factor that is a microscopy of the screened mutant lines, we have adopted automated microscopy using the dotSlide system. The level of CKI1 gene expression in mutant lines was tested using qRT-PCR and the more detailed analysis of selected mutants is in the progress. Phenotype of selected mutant lines and the influence of spatiotemporal changes in CKI1 expression on the two-component signalling will be analyzed and affected genes will be identified using map-based cloning. (Supported by MSM0021622415, LC06034 and 204/08/H054)
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