Public management education in Central Europe: how far did we progress?

Název česky Vzdělávání public managementu v zemích střední Evropy - jak daleko jsme pokročili?

ŠPAČEK David NEMEC Juraj SUWAJ Patrycja

Rok publikování 2009
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference EGPA 2009
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

www Odkaz na web, kde jsou zvereneny vsechny prijate a prezentovane clanky pracovni skupiny EGPA PSG IX: Public Administration and Teaching.
Obor Řízení, správa a administrativa
Klíčová slova public management education in central Europe
Popis Countries in Central Europe started their transition from centrally planned and managed to democratic and market based societies in 1989. Together with political and economic changes also the reforms of the higher education system was realized. Universities adopted their curricula and system of studies to international standards and joined “Bologna higher education area”. The paper outlines the research agenda and preliminarz results of research focusing on public management education in Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic.

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