Intraspecific genetic diversity among diplozoids in the western Palearctic freshwaters

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Rok publikování 2024
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Diplozoids exhibit various levels of host specificity and Paradiplozoon homoion belongs among the species with the widest distribution range. This species is recorded from more than 60 cyprinoid host species and may be an optimal model for population genetic studies which could give a new information on the phylogeography and historical contacts of the associated host species. The genetic variability in mitochondrial marker was studied among the Paradiplozoon homoion populations collected from cyprinoid fishes at 47 sites across 11 countries in western Palearctic. Amplification of a partial fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was performed for 300 P. homoion individuals. Additionally, the sequence data of ribosomal genetic markers (18S, 28S, and ITS1) were obtained from various diplozoid species, and with ITS2 were used to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among diplozoids. A total of 29 unique COI haplotypes, organized into six divergent haplogroups, were recognized among studied P. homoion populations. A substantial intraspecific variability in relatively short COI fragment was recorded, ranging up to 8.8% difference across the investigated populations in the western Palearctic. The highest levels of haplotype diversity were recorded in the Caspian Sea Basin and Southern Anatolia. On the contrary, Danube basin and Western Europe populations possessed genetically similar haplotypes. The highest local haplotype diversity was recorded in population parasitizing Pseudophoxinus fahrettini in Southern Anatolia, where individual P. homoion specimens carried several different haplotypes. Overall, phylogenetic reconstructions based on different mitochondrial and ribosomal markers demonstrated congruence, although discrepancies were noted in the case of Paradiplozoon koubkovae from Iran, suggesting potential hybridization between sympatric Paradiplozoon species. The observed intraspecific variability underscores the rapid mutation rate in mitochondrial DNA, a phenomenon that necessitates careful consideration in future taxonomic studies involving monogeneans. The spatial distribution of mtDNA haplotypes exhibited partial geographic-genetic structure, aligning with proposed divisions of peri-Mediterranean region into freshwater districts. However, the presence of genetically similar haplotypes in the neighbouring regions suggests historical contacts between currently separated cyprinoid species. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by Czech Science Foundation, grant no. 20-13539S, and VEGA, project no. 1/0583/22.
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