Design Principles for Bots Supporting Case-Based Reasoning



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Business Process Management Forum
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Klíčová slova Nonroutine Processes, Design Science, Design Principles, Case-Based Reasoning, Robotic Process Automation
Popis Robotic process automation (RPA) initiatives bring process improvements by substituting human actors with algorithms also referred to as “software robots” or “bots” in tasks that require interactions with information systems. RPA initiatives are only considered economically feasible when they focus on improving frequently repetitive sequences of activities in routine processes. We suggest that nonroutine processes that lack such patterns can also prove to be suitable RPA candidates focus of automation efforts is shifted from automating repetitive sequences of activities that are rarely found in nonroutine processes to automating meta-routines human actors engage in when performing nonroutine processes that usually exhibit such repetitiveness. In this paper, we turn our thinking towards case-based reasoning (CBR), a specific type of meta-routine of creative problem solving, which is deemed important in a wide range of nonroutine processes. Having formulated a design problem as applying RPA to support CBR, we take a first step towards finding its solution by formulating, evaluating, and revising a set of design principles capable of providing such support. These design principles represent a main theoretical contribution of our work, extending a body of design object knowledge on IS support of nonroutine processes. Our design principles are intended to guide the development of RPA systems promising effective maintenance of organizational memory, and time savings in searching for similar cases to inform solutions to present problems.
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