Theorizing on the connection between organizational and individual mindfulness

Název česky Tvorba teorie o spojení mezi organizační a individuální všímavostí


Rok publikování 2019
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Popis We discuss the relationship between individual mindfulness and organisational mindfulness. Many authors consider these concepts to be related and interlocked, however, the exact nature of this connection is still unclear. We suggest that the existence of organisational mindfulness implies the existence of mindfulness on the individual level. However, individual mindfulness is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to developing organisational mindfulness. Additional factors other than individual mindfulness must be included to increase organisational mindfulness. The reason for this is the difference between individual mindfulness, an intrapsychic process of individuals, and organizational mindfulness, which is a function of social procedures in an organization.
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