ICT in Czech Students’ Learning through the Lenses of PISA 2015: A Secondary Analysis

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Rok publikování 2018
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The paper is one of the many outputs of research project called “Digital Technologies in students’ everyday lives and learning” (supported by the Czech Science Foundation; grant no. 17-06152S), focusing on digital technologies and their role in everyday lives and learning of 15-year-old Czech students, across a variety of contexts and environments (see also Arnseth, Erstad, Juhaňák, & Zounek, 2016). Like in other economically advanced countries, in the Czech Republic information and communication technologies (ICT) have become an inseparable part of social life, while becoming an important element in education. Since the beginning of the 21st century, a number of initiatives and projects have been undertaken to support implementation of ICT into formal education (for more details see Eurydice, 2011; Zounek & Šeďová, 2009; Zounek, 2006). Researching or evaluating these initiatives systematically however has not received enough attention in the Czech Republic yet. It was only in the strategic document Strategy in Digital education until 2020 (Strategie, 2014) that an explicit request for collecting data on ICT implementation and use in formal education as well as a need for educational research in this area have been voiced. This is why data on ICT in Czech schools has been scarce in the Czech Republic. One of the few sources research can currently draw on to get an insight into these issues is data from international surveys (International Large-Scale Assessments – ILSA) undertaken in the Czech Republic. For ICT, this is mainly the PISA survey (which includes the ICT Familiarity Questionnaire) and ICILS 2013 survey, focusing on students' computer and information literacy (Fraillon, Schulz, & Ainley, 2013). Despite this, not even data from these international surveys have been analysed sufficiently in the Czech Republic (Potužníková, Lokajíčková & Janík, 2014; Straková, 2009). The goal of this paper therefore is to use the data from ILSAs undertaken in the CR to map the role of ICT in Czech schools. We are primarily interested in finding out how ICT availability and use are reflected in students’ educational performance and what other aspects relating to ICT use by students may influence their educational results (such as ICT availability and use beyond school, interest in ICT, ICT self-efficacy etc.). The paper will specifically focus on analysing data from the most recent PISA 2015 survey (i.e. primarily data from the familiarity questionnaire for students).
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