Dynamic development of innovation system: the story of the South Moravian Region


KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Rok publikování 2017
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Popis The current economic theory puts strong emphasis on innovation which has become a crucial factor for competitiveness of firms, countries as well as regions. This fact is also reflected in public policies. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe have gone through big changes in their political and economic regimes. Their starting point was not favourable at the end of the 20th century. Traditional branches (textile, food and heavy industry) prevailed in their sector structure, research infrastructure was outdated and the whole society was affected by many years of international isolation. Research tradition, availability of capital, skilled human resources, flexibility, and enlightenment of political representation have become the key preconditions of future success. The aim of the paper is to discuss preconditions of regions for transformation into successful regional innovation systems. This paper deals with an example of the South Moravian Region (Czech Republic) which is considered synonymous with a successful regional innovation system now. The attention is paid to its socio-economic features, research activity, elements of its innovation system and innovation policy. The analysis showed that the region represents a centre of research, development, education and innovation. The former symbol of textile and machinery industry has transformed into a cradle of ICT, biotechnology and medical research that has world class. Innovation policy plays an important role in improvement of innovation capability of the region and it is well-known for its pioneering implementation of various innovation tools.

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