Assesing the contribution of the european union funding for sport participation and inclusion in the Czech republic


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Rok publikování 2016
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Popis AIM OF THE STUDY In the programme period 2007- 2013 various projects in the 7 regions in Czech Republic so-called Cohesion Regions NUTSII have been supported including those that were aimed at the development and reconstruction of sports facilities. Therefore the objective of this study was to explore of how it is viewed by local and sports authorities in the regions with regard to the impact on participation in sport and cohesion. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Sports policy in the Czech Republic over the last three decades has emphasized participation in sport. The situation with regard to the utilization of EU funds for the provision of sporting facilities and opportunities for the masses resembles the situation in Finland as described by Green and Collins (2008). The role of the sport as an agent for change and a tool for unification of the communities was stressed in the Sport and Cohesion Toolkit (The Power of Sport, 2008). According to Coaffee ( 2008) in recent years, numerous policies and strategies have emerged for enhancing many aspects of community and social regeneration. METHODOLOGY The content analysis of relevant documents on EU fund spending in Czech Republic in the period 2007 up to 2015 was explored. The examination of the lists of beneficiaries in each region was conducted. This hard data has been supplemented by on line survey and phone interviews held with local authorities and representatives of selected sports associations. RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS As by July 2015 in 7 regions in Czech Republic the total amount allocated from Regional Operational Programmes ( ERDF) for projects related to sport and the development of sport infrastructure reached almost 12% (€598.9. million) out the overall allocated amount for regional development. Beneficiaries of sport- related projects (658 respondents; response rate = 38, 26 %. Representatives of regional sports association in 10 most popular sports at regional level 128 respondents; response rate = 36 %. The statistical results (SPSS) have shown that the local authorities as well as representatives of selected sports associations are well aware of the role of the sport infrastructure in the development of the particular sports in the regions.
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