Customer Satisfaction and Financial Performance



Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016: Conference Proceedings
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Řízení, správa a administrativa
Klíčová slova customer satisfaction; financial performance; enterprise quality
Popis Customer is the most important element for each enterprise to be considered due to spending money to make purchase, repurchase and making reccomendation of purchase to other customers. So it is important as well to analyze satisfaction of the customers. Article is based on the relationship between the customer's satisfaction and the financial performance of the food producing enterprise. It is assumend that there is relationship which can be identified and used bz the managers in the future to promote financial results of the enterprise. Thus the purpose of the article is to identifiz and analzye relationship between the customer's satisfaction and the financial performance of the food producing enterprise. According to literature review there were made proposition about the analzyed relationship between the customer's satisfaction and the financial performance of the enterprise. there was questionaire survez conducted to get the information anout customer's satisfaction. Survez was realiyed during the zear 2014 and 2015 and there were almost 18 000 responds about the products of more than 300 food producing enterprises. the information about the customer's satisfaction and the enterprise financial performance was analzyed through the analzsis of correlation and linear regresion model. The main goal was to identify if there are differences between the enterprise with the better financial performance and better results in customer's satisfaction and the rest of enterprises. The research of the customer's satisfaction connected with the financial performance of the food producing enterprises is one of the few. With regard to the volume of the gathered data through questionnaire survey it provides extensive insight to the customer-enterprise relationship. Results of the conducted analyses can be used by enterprise managers in business practice to focus on customer's satisfaction, on the specific elements, to promote the enterprise financial performance. the article thus stresses the idea that knowledge of the customers's needs, customer's satisfaction, is and can be used to promote the financial performance of the enterprise
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