Annual water temperature courses in two contrasting lakes at James Ross Island, Antarctica


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Název česky Srovnání ročních chodů teplot ve dvou kontrastních jezerech na ostrově James Ross, Antarktida


Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Czech Polar Reports
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

www Domovská stránka časopisu s plnými texty
Obor Botanika
Klíčová slova lake; episodic drying; summer season; winter season; temperature differences
Popis In this work, long-term temperature courses of two contrasting Antarctic lakes are presented. The lakes differed in their different location, size, and origin. Big Lachman Lake is a typical coastal shallow lake located on a terrace at an altitude of about 9 m. Dulánek Lake is a small-area, shallow kettle lake located in the lateral moraine composed of the back-arc alkaline volcanic rocks of the James Ross Island Volcanic Group at the height of about 220 m a.s.l. The data presented in this study support an idea that the water courses differed between the two lakes due to altitude and local microclimate. Similarly, significant differences in annual and summer-season courses of water temperature were apparent when several consecutive seasons were compared. Such differences have consequences for water invertebrates and autotrophic organisms because of episodic drying out of some lakes and/or formation of long-term lasting ice.
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