Informace o projektu
Komparace vývoje finančních trhů v ČR a zemích EU
- Kód projektu
- GA402/02/1408
- Období řešení
- 1/2002 - 12/2004
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Grantová agentura ČR
- Standardní projekty
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Ekonomicko-správní fakulta
- doc. Ing. Aleš Ševčík, CSc.
The financial markets represent an area that is changing very dynamically. The importance of financial markets for effective allocation of resources, corporate finance and overall economic development differs in various countries, even in the EU-countries. The implementation of a single currency increases importance of financial markets in these countries. The financial markets in the Czech Republic will have to go through important structural changes. The proposed research will focuse on an analysis of the current situation and on comparison of trends in development of the Czech financial markets with trends in EU countries after transition to EMU. It will be based on the evaluation of new events and processes that are under way on financial markets. The aim is to specify expected changes of financial markets and their necessary adaptation on the European integration proces. An important part of the project will be the application of financial market theoretical models in order to make clear an asset pricing process and obtaining funds through the Czech capital market. The next aim of this theoretical model application will be their exploitation for financial analysis, for prediction of development in seperate segments of financial markets, for financial strategy decision and optimalization of management. An introductory and final workshops are supposed to be organized. During the research work the partial solutions will be published. Finally, the summary report in English will be published.
Počet publikací: 78
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