Business Management and Finance
Bakalářské studium v prezenční formě v anglickém jazyce.
Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově. Studium je zpoplatněno částkou 95 000 Kč za akademický rok.
Termín podání přihlášky do půlnoci 30. 4. 2025.
Co se naučíte
The aim of this program is to prepare highly qualified experts for the performance of various functions. The Alumni will understand the purpose and functioning of the business sphere, especially (industrial and service-providing) enterprise and ifnancial institutions in two major areas:
1. management, incl. topics related to organizational structure, economy and financing, and
2. (corporate) finance, incl. accounting and tax consultancy, auditing and financial markets.
Basic managerial activities form an iportant area of study, including planning, organizing control and leadership, and marketing skills, including mastering tools such as promotion, market analysis and market segmentation.
Students will also have the opportunity to obtain prestigious ACA and ACCA certifications awarded by the professional organization of accounting and financial specialists. The ACA Certificate certifies high theoretical and practical knowledge in the field and is recognized by a number of international institutions not only in the UK and the Anglophone countries, but also increasingly employers in the Czech Republic.
Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan. Students may attend a voluntary course of practical training. International internships are supported institutionally within the Erasmus / Erasmus+ program framework.
Chcete vědět víc?
Uplatnění absolventů
Due to the focus of studied courses, the graduates have opened possibilities to realize themselves in lower and middle managerial levels of business enterprises as well as in various departments in financial institutions.
This bachelor's degree gives graduates a solid general basis in the field of business studies, which allows for further specialization either in the next (follow-up) master's degree or in practice.
Předměty – příklad průchodu studiem
Jak může vypadat vaše studium:
1. semestr
2. semestr
3. semestr
4. semestr
5. semestr
6. semestr
Podrobné informace o předmětech studijního plánu
Informace o studiu
Zajišťuje | Ekonomicko-správní fakulta | |
Typ studia | bakalářský | |
Forma | prezenční | ano |
kombinovaná | ne | |
distanční | ne | |
Možnosti studia | jednooborově | ano |
jednooborově se specializací | ne | |
v kombinaci s jiným programem | ne | |
Doba studia | 3 roky | |
Vyučovací jazyk | angličtina | |
Bodové hranice a počty přijatých z minulých let | ||
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok |
95 000 Kč Více informací |
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