School-climate assessment: A proposal for assessment procedure which would be both immediately meaningful while retaining the possibility for comparison


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JEŽEK Stanislav

Year of publication 2005
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description School-climate questionnaires as the prevailing assessment tools in the school-climate or school-environment literature have several disadvantages. Some of them stem from the nature of the questionnaire method itself (highly-structured - reducing, no meaning(validity)-checking). Some disadvantages come from the broadness of the concept of climate what aspects of environment are meaningful elements of a particular school climate, are the elements the same or similar across cultures/school systems? In this paper I propose an assessment procedure combing the use of focus groups and follow-up questionnaires with students and their teachers, an analysis framework, and present the results that this procedure yields (based on application in 5 Czech schools). The portrait of a schools environment that this procedure provides should be qualitatively comparable across schools, ie. schools can be compared as to what aspects of environment emerged as meaningful or significant and whether the relationships between these aspects seem to be the same. The same extent of comparison should be possible across different cultures/school systems.
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