Project information
Psychological and social characteristics of children, youth and families, development of the personality in the time of changes of modern society
- Project Identification
- MSM0021622406
- Project Period
- 1/2005 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
Total number of publications: 634
Human and man side by side, woman trapped in a different reality: word associations in Czech
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie/Czechoslovak Psychology, year: 2015, volume: 59, edition: 1
Fears in Czech Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study
The journal of early adolescence, year: 2013, volume: Vol. 33, edition: N. 8, DOI
How do respondents attend to verbal labels in rating scales?
Field Methods, year: 2013, volume: in print
K současnému postavení psychoterapie ve světě
Psychoterapie, year: 2013, volume: roč. 7, edition: 2
Podpora osob s mentálním postižením při prožívání zármutku
Psychologie pro praxi, year: 2013, volume: XLVIII, edition: 3-4
Vliv typu vztahové vazby klienta na psychoterapeutický proces
Psychoterapie, year: 2013, volume: roč. 7, edition: 1
”How do they feel when a baby cries?” Relationships between maternal characteristics and their perception of infant crying.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 23. – 27. 8. 2011, Bergen, Norway., year: 2012
Adolescents' perspectives on traditional, nontraditional, and direct political activities: The role of identity-processing styles and political beliefs
Revista de Psicología Social, year: 2012, volume: 27, edition: 2, DOI
Co vyplývá z výzkumů účinnosti online psychoterapie?
Československá psychologie, year: 2012, volume: LVI, edition: 6
Differences in the Teen Blogosphere: Insights from a Content Analysis of English- and Czech-Language Weblogs
Young, year: 2012, volume: 20, edition: 3, DOI