Dotazník designu pracovní pozice (WDQ) : Validační studie českého překladu


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Title in English Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ) : Validation study of the Czech version


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Československá psychologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web abstrakt článku na webu časopisu
Keywords work design; work characteristics; psychometric analysis; questionnaire adaptation
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Description Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric characteristics of a Czech adaptation of the Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ) that measures 21 work characteristics. Sample and setting. A sample of 461 people working in Czech organizations completed a Czech adaptation of WDQ. In order to assess the convergent validity of WDQ, the respondents also completed 4 other questionnaires. Results. Confirmatory factor analyses showed a similar fit of the 21-factor model (RMSEA = 0.046; CFI = 0,89; TLI = 0,88) to the original English WDQ. The standardized factor loadings were high (lambda = 0,60 to 0,90), only the item WDQ25 did not load on the job complexity factor (lambda = .21) as it should have according to the theoretical model. The authors do not recommend including this item in the job complexity subscale because it has two possible meanings in both the Czech and English versions, and the respondents may not understand it in accordance with the content of the subscale. All the subscales of WDQ showed high internal consistency (omega = 0,75 to 0,96) except the social support subscale (omega = 0,64). The convergent validity of the subscales is supported by the correlations of their scores with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intrinsic motivation and perceived own work performance. The analyses also showed the criterion validity of the subscale interaction outside an organization, as the respondents in sales and services scored higher than the respondents who worked in different positions. Limitations. Respondents with a university degree and respondents doing knowledge work prevailed in the sample. The data about work characteristics and other variables came from the same source – the self-report questionnaires.
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