Lze si za peníze koupit štěstí?

Title in English Can money buy happiness?


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Psychologie práce a organizace 2017: Pracovní potenciál a jeho proměny v čase
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web Sborník online
Keywords happiness; spending; life satisfaction; well-being
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Description In this review, we summarize the empirical literature investigating the relationship between the nature of one§s spending and perceived happiness and life satisfaction. We put emphasis on experimental studies, as they allow to infer causal relationships between the key concepts. Studies have shown four basic types of spending to have beneficial impact on spender’s happiness and satisfaction. Relationships demonstrated in studies are often in contrast with what people intuitively perceive and forecast. Informed individuals may use these modes of spending their money to enhance their well-being. Furthermore, these concepts may become parts of companies‘ policies aimed towards increasing employee well-being.
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