The May challenge Bike to work 2024 reached the end

5 Jun 2024 Petra Ježová

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The jubilee tenth year of the faculty's bike-to-work challenge is over, and the results are close again. Fourteen teams, fifty involved participants from the faculty staff, 8,454 kilometres collected, and 1,366 kg of CO2 saved.

We are very pleased that the interest and attention paid to sustainable transport at the faculty is growing. And that's thanks to the background and support that ECON MUNI offers. Be it secure bike racks, paid entry fees, prizes for winning teams or a closing party for all involved.

Team regularity

1.-2. HRupky 100 %
1.-2. oStudy 100 %
3. Oddíl Věčné Pohody 98,5 %


Most kilometres

1. HRupky 1 751 km
2. Mentolky 1 627 km
3. Vesničané 821 km


Best performers

Blanka Bucňáková 1 332 km/koloběžka HRupky
Jiří Poláček 583 km/elektrokolo Vesničané
Petra Ježová 420 km/pěšky HRupky


And how was this year? We randomly asked several participants about their transport habits and feelings about the May challenge.

Project manager Helena Mojdlová most often uses public transport for her journeys to work. "This year's May was favourable for the journeys to work on foot, scooter or bicycle that I made. They brought me a few happy moments again. One unplanned dinner, when riding a bicycle with bought eggs predestined the evening egg omelette, or the curious delivery of a full-grown sunflower in a flowerpot as a gift for my daughter," she describes with a smile.

Research and development assistant Blanka Šustrová does not own a car. "I don't even feel like I need it in Brno, so I use public transport a lot – is there anything better in the summer than a chilled tram?" she smiles. Unlike the rest of the faculty, she does not like cycling, so she regularly walks as part of the May challenge. "Despite the frequent rain, this year's May challenge was great," she adds.

Markéta Novotná, vice-dean for internationalization, also prefers walking, and she likes to walk around Brno often. "I only use public transport if I'm in a hurry or if it's raining. And a walk from work and to work in sunny weather always improves my mood," she adds. She partially completed the May challenge while on a business trip. "I varied my walking with running to prepare for the MUNI Run, which took place in mid-May".

For Jiří Poláček, head of the library, the May challenge is just a diversion. He rides his bike to work regularly from April to October, thanks to the May challenge, which convinced him years ago that it was possible. "Unfortunately, this year I struggled with punctures. I had a flat tire six times and I walked, for example, more than eight kilometres beside the bike. On the other hand, I am pleased that cyclists stick together and there is always someone to offer a helping hand," he adds.

Payroll accountant Blanka Bucňáková made a commitment this year to beat her last year's record in the number of kilometres driven. Blanka rides her scooter to work regularly, and often takes a long detour. This year's mileage of 1,332 km is a respectable achievement, for which we congratulate her! "I appreciate the faculty support and I will definitely participate again next year." We, on the other hand, believe that Blanka's record breaking pursuit will not discourage others who are not bothered by the number of kilometres and are mainly interested in the joy of movement and the environment.

"I usually go to work and generally around Brno by a combination of walking and public transport," describes Dominika Tóthová, assistant professor at the Department of Regional Economics, about her travel routine. "It's fast and ecological, on the way I read or listen to podcasts, handle e-mails or just relax, listen to music." For Dominika, it mainly means a higher number of kilometres on foot, and she is forced to go out on a bicycle sometimes.

Also, Marcela Machaňová, assistant for studies, normally uses public transport to travel to work, and increasingly also a car because of the children. "In May, however, I try to leave the car at home and combine public transport with walking, running or cycling." At the same time, she admits that this year's challenge was probably the most challenging for her due to the lack of time. "But I'm happy for it, because I really forced myself to walk at least a few kilometres every day".

We hope you thoroughly enjoyed this year's May challenge. We thank all participants for helping to promote the idea of sustainable travel and we look forward to meeting you at the final faculty party on June 18 in the Academic Club or at the announcement of the results for Brno in the Open Garden on June 12, 2024 from 5:30 pm at Údolní 33.

Photos of the involved teams

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