2 May Katarína Vaľková: Value for money in job retention schemes (MUES seminar) In our work we have examined the impact of three different short time work schemes on employment during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia. We apply the difference in differences (DiD)... from 3:00 PM
5 May Simon ter Meulen: Long-term effects of grade retention (MUES seminar) Grade retention offers students a chance to catch up with unmastered material but also leads to less labor market experience by delaying graduation and labor market entry. This paper assesses this trade-off... from 2:00 PM
5 May TopSeC with Deloitte - How to write a CV and prepare for the selection process from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
6 May Axel A. Araneda: Long-range dependence and option pricing (MUES seminar) Abstract: Stochastic processes based on standard Brownian motions can't address an established "stylized fact" in finance: the long-range dependence or memory effect. This issue has stimulated the inclusion... from 12:00 PM
10 May Isha Gupta: Prenatal Sex Detection Technology and Mothers’ Labour Supply in India (MUES seminar) The advent of prenatal sex diagnostic technology (PSDT) in India in the mid-eighties has made it easier for women to identify the sex of children before their birth, giving them an option to attain their... from 10:00 AM
10 May Jaroslav Groero: Leveling Health Inequalities: Raising the School Leaving Age Reduces the Risk of Diseases and Severe Medical Conditions Related to Genetic Endowment (MUES seminar) Health inequality has a significant genetic component and environments such as education can moderate the effects of genes. However, little is known about whether more years of education can effectively... from 1:00 PM