Mgr. Lucie Přikrylová
PhD studies coordinator, office no. 209
phone: | +420 549 49 6693 |
e‑mail: | |
Program focuses on acquiring deeper theoretical knowledge in economics, especially in macroeconomics and economic policy. The graduate is able to analyze and evaluate economic phenomena independently, especially in relation to economic policy, he can critically evaluate real economic development, comment as well as independently propose measurements of economic policy. He will be able to check research procedures for a comprehensive analysis of national economic and economic-political situations. He will also be able to create concepts, programs, projects and analyzes in this area.
The goal of the thesis is to find out the reasons and evaluate the consequences of the exchange rate volatility in the post-communist countries. The range of exchange rate volatility highly varied among these countries. The natural reason is that the countries applied different exchange rate regimes. However, the thesis aims to evaluate the topic in a complex way and to find out other determinants as well. Its additional task is to consider the impact of this volatility – foremost on the integration of these countries into the world markets.
The supervisor for this topic is associate professor Libor Žídek. More information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
PhD studies coordinator, office no. 209
phone: | +420 549 49 6693 |
e‑mail: | |