Mgr. Lucie Přikrylová
PhD studies coordinator, office no. 209
phone: | +420 549 49 6693 |
e‑mail: | |
The aim of the study is to provide further professional growth of graduates of the Master's degree in economics focusing on the interest of business economics and management, especially by acquiring methods of scientific work, deepening of theoretical knowledges and approaches, developing of the skill effectively using extensive theoretical and factual information and developing of skill to solve technical problems in the field of enterprise economics and management individually, with an emphasis on the complexity and the theoretical reasons of the given solutions, including their practical application in enterprises.
The thesis aims to identify the factors that can affect consumer adoption of emerging technologies (such as Generative AI-Chat GPT) in the context of electronic service quality in electronic commerce. After a systematic literature review, the candidate will prepare an initial interview schedule. Based on qualitative results, the factors will be identified, and a structural model will be proposed and tested. For the quantitative part, second generation analysis such as structural equational modelling will be used. The study will have both theoretical and managerial implications.
The supervisor for this topic is Doctor Prateek Kalia. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
Under this thesis, the candidate will try to understand small or medium-sized sellers’ perceptions of using immersive technologies (such as augmented, virtual reality) in e-commerce. Based on mixed method approach the candidate will interview the stakeholders to identify the underlying factors. The structural model thus stemming out will be tested through structural equational modelling. The study will try to bring interesting insights for the marketers, for instance even if virtual shopping is exciting who should bear the cost to create/provide the supporting infrastructure? Is it feasible for small businesses to invest in immersive technologies and be profitable or do they expect big e-commerce players (such as Amazon) to create infrastructure and small e-retailers will list the products using such platforms, etc.?
The supervisor for this topic is Doctor Prateek Kalia. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
The aim of this research stream is to explore the effectiveness of eWOM through a comprehensive dissertation. Commence with a systematic literature review to identify and summarize influencing factors of eWOM. Based on this, develop and test a conceptual model using quantitative research methods, including surveys (survey-experiments) and experiments. Employ Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and other advanced statistical techniques for in-depth analysis. Clear presentation and detailed elaboration of the findings are essential, showcasing the theoretical and practical implications of eWOM's effectiveness. The research should be characterized by methodological rigor and clarity, and should result in several scientific articles.
The supervisor for this topic is Doctor Dušan Mladenović. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
This research endeavor seeks to unravel the intricate impacts of Generative AI on electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). Initiating with a thorough systematic literature review, candidates will identify and distill the factors influencing eWOM and subsequently articulate and validate a conceptual model. The utilization of quantitative research methodologies, such as surveys, survey-experiments, and experiments, is imperative. In-depth analysis employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and advanced statistical methods will shed light on the nuanced relationships. A clear and detailed exposition of the findings is crucial, underscoring the theoretical and applied ramifications of Generative AI’s influence on eWOM. The study mandates methodological rigor and clarity, aiming to culminate in the publication of several scientific articles.
The supervisor for this topic is Doctor Dušan Mladenović. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
Emerging information technologies enable businesses in different industry sectors to transform their business models digitally and utterly create and deliver new business value to their customers. This topic covers the enabled business value of emerging information technologies, including Blockchain, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and social platforms, among others. Potential applications could be supply chain, sharing economy, circular economy, tourism etc. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are welcomed; however, quantitative methods based on publicly available panel (historical) data are more favored.
The supervisor for this topic is associate professor Ahad Zareravasan. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
One of the fundamental topics in strategic management is organizational adaptation: how organizations adapt to changing environmental conditions, how the environment influences this process (on how organizational adaptation influences the environment), and why organizations fail in their adaptive efforts. The topic involves but is not limited to strategic choices incumbent organizations make when facing a changing environment and the performance consequences of these choices; or strategic choices of new entrants to the industry (business models, forms of organizing, etc.). Your research will have an organization-level perspective and may involve mixed methods (elements of quantitative and qualitative research).
The supervisor for this topic is assistant professor Michal Jirásek. Detailed information about the supervisor, his publications and research projects are available here.
PhD studies coordinator, office no. 209
phone: | +420 549 49 6693 |
e‑mail: | |