prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec, CSc.
Professor, Department of Public Economics
Total number of publications: 337
Možnosti zvyšování efektivnosti veřejného sektoru v podmínkách krize veřejných financí II.
Year: 2013, edition: 1. vyd., number of pages: 159 s.
Observations, Inferences and Conclusions
Health Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: Options, Obstacles, Limited Outcomes, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2013, number of pages: 34 s.
Outsourcing by Private and Public Organisations: How much Could Public Bodies Learn?
Economic Studies and Analyses, year: 2013, volume: 7, edition: 1
Public Administration Accreditation in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference: Current Trends in Public Sector Research, year: 2013
Public Administration Accreditation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Main Systemic Problems
Advances in Education Research, year: 2013
Public Finance Crisis: How to react?
Viesasis Administravimas, year: 2013, volume: 39, edition: 2/2013
Public financing of sports in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Lecture notes in Management Science; volume 12; 2013 Fourth International Conference on Education and Sports Education, year: 2013
Public Sector Reform: An overview of recent literature and research on NPM and alternative paths
International Journal of Public Sector Management, year: 2013, volume: 26, edition: 1, DOI
Quality of Contract Management and Its Impact on Contracting Local Public Services
2013 International Conference on Management Innovation and Business Innovation, year: 2013
Standardization and the European Standards Organizations
Central European Journal of Public Policy, year: 2013, volume: 7, edition: 2