prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec, CSc.
Professor, Department of Public Economics
Total number of publications: 337
Decentralisation: Pros and Cons (theory and empirical evidence)
Centralization Decentralization Debate Revisited, year: 2014
Efficiency versus economy in public procurement
Conference Proceedings: The 8th International Days of Statistics and Economics, year: 2014
Fiscal imbalances: How Should Public Finance React?
European Financial Systems 2014. Proceedings of the 11th Internat ional Scientific Conferenc, year: 2014
Možnosti a úskalí reakce na současnou globální krizi prostřednictvím veřejných rozpočtů
Makro- a mikroekonomické aspekty globalizace, růstu, rozvoje a konkurenceschopnosti: vybrané problémy ve světle institucionálního uspořádání, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2014, number of pages: 20 s.
Municipality Size and Local Public Services - Do Economies of Scale Exist?
NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy : the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, year: 2014, volume: VII, edition: 2, DOI
Procurement Management and its Impact on the Results of Externalisation
Presented Papers from the 22st NISPAcee Annual Conference:Government vs. Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: From Pre-Weberianism to, year: 2014
Public financing of sports in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic: processes and their evaluation
Life Science Journal, year: 2014, volume: 11/2014, edition: 12
Public procurement: the most burdensome regulation in Slovenian municipalities
Acta aerarii publici, year: 2014, volume: 11, edition: 1
Public Sector Innovation Management: Its Characteristics and Impact on Firms
The 2014 EGPA Annual Conference, year: 2014
Social innovations on municipal level in Slovakia
The 2014 EGPA Annual Conference, year: 2014