Degree Requirements
Only students who successfully fulfil the study requirements of the programme and pass the final state exam are entitled to receive the Bachelor's diploma of Masaryk University.
Study Requirements
Within the study requirements, students are required to complete 180 ECTS comprised of credits from compulsory, selective and elective courses.
Please note that all of your required course credits and grades must be entered by the teachers into the Information system at least 3 days prior to the final state exam. Bachelor's thesis topic must be registered with a supervisor in the 4th semester and the thesis itself must be submitted by the date set in the departmental calendar.
Final State Exam
The programme is completed with a final state exam consisting of the two following, separately assessed parts called Bachelor's Thesis Defence and subject Academic discussion.
Graduation and Graduation Ceremony
Students who have successfully passed the final exam are entitled to receive the Bachelor's diploma from Masaryk University. Diplomas are delivered over at a graduation ceremony, to which you can invite your family and friends. The exact date of your graduation ceremony will be notified in the Academic year schedule of the Faculty.