Problem Solving Tutor

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on


Year of publication 2011
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description Problem solving tutor is an educational web system, which provides large set of problems (e.g., programming problems, math problems, logic puzzles). The system predicts students problem solving times and recommends problems of suitable difficulty. The predictions are based on the statistical models, which were developed specially for this purpose. The system collects data about problem solving activity of users. These data are used for research purposes, particularly for development and evaluation of models of human problem solving. The system contains more than 20 types of problems, mainly from domains of mathematics, introductory programming, and logic puzzles. For each problem there are between 40 a 100 problem instances. The system is used by more than 20 schools, it has 6000 registered users who spent more than 10000 hours by problem solving.
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