Chapter II.6.Tertiary and Quaternary molluscs from Pavlov VI


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Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description At the locality, there were ascertained 204 complete specimens and/or fragments of molluscs, namely 159 gastropods, 43 scaphopods and 2 bivalves. The majority (145 specimens) is of Tertiary, mostly of Badenian, Sarmatian, and Pannonian ages, and of marine origin. Only one gastropod is most probably of Eggenburgian age. The remaining molluscs (59 specimens) are of Quaternary age. The primary state of preservation of Tertiary shells is relatively bad, their surfaces are intensively weathered, rolled, eroded or corroded. Secondary human adaptations of these shells are relatively frequent. The source areas of these fossils are interpreted as the Tertiary sediments of the Carpathian Foredeep and of the Vienna Basin, namely predominantly as the near and more distant vicinity of the Pavlov VI site. The Quaternary molluscs come from a terrestrial environment, their shells are mostly fragmented, but they do not bear any marks of human adaptations. These molluscs inhabited the area of the Pavlov VI site.
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