Mittelpunkte der Herrschaft und Cosmas von Prag. Zum Charakter der Macht des frühmittelaterlichen Fürsten


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Title in English Centre of Power and Cosmas of Prague. Towards the caharcter of power of early medieval prince


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Frühgeschichtliche Zentralorte in Mitteleuropa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords power early middle ages Přemyslids Bohemia and Moravia hillforts identity
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Description Author examines the considerable regional differences in the documentable preesence of princely power in Bohemia and Moravia. He also points to significance of elites as mediators between the centre and prepiheries and delas with the possible character of these elites in the Early Přemyslid principality, as insinuated by archeological finds and the terminology of the Cosmas' Chronicle. In view of these analogies, the author re-examines factors which may have led to the formation of a shared identity within the elite of the "Bohemians" in the Early Middle Ages, and reflects upon the importance of a shared identity to the functioning of princely power.
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