Program výběru kvalifikovaných zahraničních pracovníků - stále ještě nevyužitá šance?


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Title in English Program of selection of qualified foreign workers - still unused opportunity?


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation NEKORJAK, Michal and Ondřej HOFÍREK. Program výběru kvalifikovaných zahraničních pracovníků - stále ještě nevyužitá šance? (Program of selection of qualified foreign workers - still unused opportunity?). In Institucionální podmínky sociální integrace cizinců v ČR I. Integrační politika. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2011, p. 37-59. ISBN 978-80-87474-19-8.
Description The chapter analyses “Program of selection of qualified foreign workers“, part of the Czech immigration policy operated by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs targeting to secure sustainable and controlled inflow of qualified foreign workers. Despite ambitious introduction the Program doesn’t attract significant numbers of immigrants. Causes of low-interest of target group in this program lie mainly in the setting of internal parameters, which reflects the current state of a legitimating discourse on immigration policy and often contradicting strategies of ministries and state authorities.
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