Lidský skelet z hrobu č. 163 na pohřebišti v Divákách (okr. Břeclav)

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Title in English Human Skeleton from Grave nr. 163 at Divaky Burial Site (Distr. Břeclav)


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živá archeologie (Re)konstrukce a experiment v archeologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Skeletal remains; Anthropological analysis; Middle Ages; Slavonic grave
Description The anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains belonging to the individual from grave nr. 163 at Diváky Padělky za humny archeological site has shown that the skeleton belonged to a man of approximate height 175 cm (range + - 9 cm) with rather gracile corporal constitution with estimated age at death 30 to 40 years. Except for dental pathologies and skeletal wear adequate to his age at death, no other traces of diseases which manifest on the skeleton were found. Already during his lifetime he suffered the loss of left upper incisors caused more likely by injury than pathological processes. The asymmetric tooth abrasion suggests that the loss occurred quite a long time before death. From the skeletal remains it was not possible to establish the cause of death. Within his lifetime the man also suffered a fracture of right humerus and probably also an injury in the area of the right shoulder joint. Both traumas were healed and had no connection to the mans death.
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