Vliv antiarytmika ajmalinu na elektrofyziologické vlastnosti srdeční buňky pracovního myokardu


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Effect of antiarrhythmic drug ajmaline on electrophysiological properties of cardiac cell of working myocardium


Year of publication 2005
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Ajmaline induced a decrease of maximum velocity of the fast depolarization, a decline of the amplitude and a prolongation of action potential. Ajmaline inhibited all the main ionic membrane currents. The efficacy of ajmaline declined in the subsequent order: sodium current INa (27,8 micromol/l) and transient outward potassium current Ito (25,9 micromol/l) – IK,end, the potassium current measured at the end of 250ms-impulse that is mainly composed of IK (61,0 micromol/l) – ICa-L, the L-type calcium current (70,8 micromol/l) – inward moiety of potassium current IK1 (only 36 % block in the presence of 300 micromol/l ajmaline). Ajmaline is also very effective inhibitor of the potassium current sensitive to ATP IK(ATP) (13,3 micromol/l). Inhibition of INa and Ito induced by ajmaline was frequency-independent in the range between 20 and 200 min-1 in contrast to the propafenone-induced inhibition (another class I antiarrhythmic drug).
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