The stratigraphy separation diagram–an amazing tool for fault analysis


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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trabajos de Geología
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KNÍŽEK, Martin, Rostislav MELICHAR and Jiří JANEČKA. The stratigraphy separation diagram–an amazing tool for fault analysis. Trabajos de Geología. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 2011, 29 (2009), -, p. 404-408. ISSN 0474-9588.
web Plný text.
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords stratigraphy separation diagram; fault slip; fault blocks; thrusts; Barrandian
Description The Stratigraphy Separation Diagram (SSD) is a neglected tool of fault analysis, which allows the interpretation of both fault-surface geometry and the mechanism of faulting. As it needs to evaluate displacement (separation) along the fault under study, this method can be used only in areas with well-documented (tectono)-stratigraphic sequences. The paper presents both some common patterns of SSD and two examples of seemingly similar faults from the Barrandian area (Czech Republic).
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