Poincaré Plot in Ischemic Rabbit Hearts

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Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Computing in Cardiology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Physiology
Keywords Poincaré plot; heart rate variability; rabbit heart; ischemia
Description Heart rate variability can be evaluated by Poincaré plot. Its parameter SD1 describes short-term variability which is mainly caused by respiratory sinus arrhythmia, whereas SD2 describes long-term variability. Ischemia is believed to affect non-autonomic mechanism of the heart and as a result of it also HRV. However not only this mechanism is responsible for HRV changes, because ischemia affects both parameters significantly even in isolated denervated hearts. Both parameters - SD1 and SD2 - show lower values in ischemic phases of experiment than in reperfusion ones. Shape of Poincaré plots attractor has a form of line both in ischemic and reperfusion periods; however in reperfusion phases of experiment the attractor is longer.
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