Specifika tělesné výchovy studentů se zdravotním postižením na Masarykově univerzitě


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Support Centre for Students with Special Needs. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Šport a zdravie v hodnotovej orientácii vysokoškolákov
MU Faculty or unit

Support Centre for Students with Special Needs

web Elektronická verze sborníku
Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords Masaryk University; The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (Teiresiás); all university physical education; The Centre of University Sport at the Faculty of Sports studies; physical education for the students with disabilities, students with sensory and physical disabilities; adaptation to the physical education
Description Masaryk University (MU) provides the accessibility to the degree programmes and branches for people with disabilities. This role is in charge of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (Centre Teiresiás) with all university sphere. Physical Education (PE) is a standard part of studies at MU and Center for University Sport MU at the Faculty of Sports Studies (CUS) takes responsibility for this activities. While providing PE for students with disabilities CUS cooperates with the Centre Teiresiás and among the standard subjects of PE there are also offered options prepared specifically to students with a particular type of disability (visual, hearing or with restricted mobility).

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