From autofocusing to automatic 3D information content analysis


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Year of publication 2010
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description The autofocus feature has become an indispensable part of consumer as well as professional cameras. Scientific cameras typically rely on software autofocusing performed on-line by host computer. The autofocusing procedure may be tailor-made for specific application and implemented in a different way by different users. Nevertheless, the common strategy of all software autofocus routines is to acquire a sequence of low-resolution 2D images so that each image is taken at a different focal plane position. For each image in this sequence the degree of focus is computed and maximal value position is determined. In real world, however, there may exist more than one important focal plane and less dominant objects are often missed during acquisition. We have optimized the autofocusing procedure and developed an algorithm that makes use of the low-resolution image sequence acquired during autofocusing procedure to perform automatic 3D information content analysis of the whole image volume and to determine all important spatial regions of interest that deserve subsequent high-resolution 2D or 3D acquisition. The approach is demonstrated on examples from optical microscopy.
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