Předmostí hanáckou vesnicí

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2009
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper dealt with the former Hana Valley village Předmostí, that is famous (not only among the scholars) for its significant archaeological site. The reconstruction of the former village was made up of the archival, cartographical and iconographical sources. The paper also outlined its residential and geographical classification and pointed out broad lines of its urbanistic development. Hana Valley house and vernacular architecture in this region were described as a whole and they were put into a broader context with a lowland type of houses in central Europe. Particular evolutionary phases of Hana Valley house were demonstrated by the aid of concrete cases in Předmostí village. In the following, the changes of this section of the town in 20th century were described – we are talking about urban renewal of the historical village centre and subsequent building-up of suburban town housing estate that fundamentally influenced changes of its urbanistic structure. Besides the redevelopment, the social composition of the local population was changed briskly as well. When the paper (which took approximately one hour) was finished, there was left some time for discussion with the audience.
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