Makroekonomické aspekty hodnocení dopravních projektů z hlediska uživatele

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Title in English Macroeconomic value of transport projects from users point of view


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dopravní systémy a hodnota pro uživatele
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords transport economics; transport planning; economic policy
Description Transport planning went through significant changes during last twenty years from technical and cost-optimization analyses to multicriteria analyses based on soft data, e.g. accessibility of transport, impacts on regional development, environmental burden, sustainable development of transport systems, etc. The decisions which have to be made in respect of transport policy include the choice of financial sources. However, the different objectives are not always mutually consistent and final solution is often too costly comparing real outcomes. Transport planning has to solve a difficult task: to find an optimal solution within conditions of soft budget constraints and ambiguous objectives. What is more, transport planning takes place on several levels (European, national, regional, municipal level), but there is lack of a transparent institutional structure giving power and responsibility to all involved agents. The aim of the contribution is to identify system constraints of contemporary transport policy with respect to public expenditures and public budgets constraints.
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