Difúze konceptu fast food v ČR: příklad řetězce McDonalds

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Title in English Diffusion of Fast Food Concept in Czech Republic: McDonalds chain example


Year of publication 2009
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The Czech Republic passed by significant transformations related among others to human behavior turnovers during last 20 years. The changes have shown up in different approaches and socio-cultural customs of several various generations. The changes are engaged also to leisure time activities relating to progressive globalization, e.g. with admittion of transnational fast food chain to czech market. The biggest company domain is McDonalds Corporation established in Czech Republic since the beginning of 90s. McDonalds became in the world and unfortunately in the Czech Republic as well important phenomenon inspiring culture and lifestyle not only of young generation born after 1989. Like a new appearance in our space is to be consider innovation phenomenon and we are going to identify and asses its diffusion process. And this is primary objective of our contribution as well.
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