Knihy s muzejní a galerijní problematikou v zámecké knihovně ve Slavkově u Brna

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Title in English Muzeological publications about museums and galleries at the castle library of Slavkov u Brna

ŠUDOMOVÁ Miroslava

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Duha : informace o knihách a knihovnách z Moravy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords book-museum-castle-library-Slavkov u Brna castle-museology literature-dynasty of Kounic
Description The library of Slavkov u Brna castle in Moravia aims to shows the condition from 17. century from 20. century. She has about 2856 books, I nearer show about 100 books of library, which are appropriate for museology study. This publications- about collections and museums at the castle library-corresponded to given subject.
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