Tvorba hodnoty v dodavatelsko-odběratelských vztazích a její typy

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Title in English Value creation in buayer-seller relationships and its forms


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Hradecké ekonomické dny 2009. Ekonomický rozvoj a management regionů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords Buyer-seller relationships; desk research;value and value creation
Description Economic performance of a company does not depend on the company itself, but on its relationships to other subjects and the ability to create value from such relationships. Paradigm shift in management towards network perspective goes hand in hand with new understanding of value and value-creation process. In our article we try to identify direct and indirect ways of how value is created in relationships. Beside that, we also analyse two different kinds of relationships to prove that relationships, which stimulate further development of companies, create value more indirectly than relationships, which just support economical stability of companies.
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