Studying an influence of a nucleation phase on nanocrystalline diamond film properties
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2007 |
Type | Monograph |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | KARÁSKOVÁ, Monika, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Ondřej JAŠEK, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Daniel FRANTA, Jiřina MATĚJKOVÁ and Petr KLAPETEK. Studying an influence of a nucleation phase on nanocrystalline diamond film properties. Košice, Sloveská republika: Hutnicka fakulta - Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2007, 321 pp. 6. ISSN 1335-1532. |
Description | Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films were deposited by microwave (2.45 GHz) PECVD in the bell jar plasma reaktor of ASTeX type combined with the rf capacitive discharge providing a negative dc self-bias -125 V at the substrate holder. The applied mw power, pressure and substrate temperature were 850 W, 7.5 kPa and 1090 K, respectively. The continuous re-nucleation rate was performed by ions accelerated in dc electric field – bias enhanced nucleation (BEN) method. The nucleation phase turned to be very important for good mechanical properties of the films. The films with very good mechanical properties consisting of nanocrystalline diamond were prepared without substrate preheating under the deposition mixture of 9.4% of CH4 in H2. The films exhibited very low roughness (rms of heights 13 nm) and high hardness and elastic modulus, 70 and 375 GPa, respectively. The nucleation and film growth were studied by SEM, AFM and modelling of optical response of the substrate-interfacial layers-diamond film systems in UV/VIS/NIR range. |
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