Prostorová analýza polomů na Šumavě po orkánu Kyrill 2007


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Title in English Geospatial analysis of forest storm damages in Šumava Mts. caused by orcane Kyrill 2007


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fyzickogeografický sborník 6
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Forestry
Keywords Kyrill wind storm - GIS analysis - individual factors - integrated risk areas
Description Forests in Šumava Mts. (Western-Bohemian Czech-Bavarian border area) were heavily Kyrill has damaged by this wind storm in January 2007. Various geostatistical methods were applied to identify relationships between relevant natural factors and areas with forest damages (predominantly Norway spruce stands). Only low relationships have been identified with site features (e.g. slope, aspect, soil depth and humidity). More important relationships can be seen in results of the integrated area wind storm risk assessment based on the classification of slope, aspect, soil depth, area humidity, canopy age, density and species composition using a ball scale 0-3 marks and feature weights dependently on their impact heterogeneity. Five classes of area sensitivity to forest wind damages were detected and compared with Kyrill consequences. It is clear, that the site and canopy sensitivity to wind storm damages plays only a limited role in the origin and level of damages. The decisive role is played by the wind. It behavior stays under the future research.
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