Hydrothermal veins linked with Variscan structure of the Prague Synform (Barrandien, Czech Republic): resolving fluid-wall rock interaction
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2009 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Geological Quarterly |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | http://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/G_Q/52_4/halavinova.pdf |
Field | Geology and mineralogy |
Keywords | Variscan orogeny; hydrothermal veins; Barrandian; Bohemian Massif |
Description | Variscan syntectonic hydrothermal veins of the Prague Synform are im portant traces of small-scale fluid migration in Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks - a process in duced by late Variscan tectogenesis. Two main structural types of Variscan syntectonic calcite veins were recognised during field work. Veins of Type I have an irregular or sigmoidal shape and are of ten arranged in enechelon arrays. A shearing regime during the formation of this type is deduced. Veins of a second structural type (Type II) have a more regular and straight shape relative to those of Type I and in some places form a dense net work. The structural position of the Type II veins is related to structural elements of Variscan folds. Veins were formed due to interlayer-slip combined with fold-related fracturing that gave rise to the infilling of dilational structures. A tensional regime also permits growth of the fibrous veins. Two principal directions were distinguished within the Type II veins. |
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