A Self-organizing System for Large-scale Content-based Information Retrieval

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Economics and Administration. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2008
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description We propose a self-organizing system for content-based information retrieval which operates in an ordinary peer-to-peer network. The system is universal and allows us to search for various data types, e.g. multimedia, because we use the metric space data model. The self-organization of the network is obtained by using the social-network paradigm. The connections among peers in the network are created as social-network relationships formed on the basis of a query-and-answer principle. The knowledge of answers to previous queries is exploited to fast navigate to peers, possibly containing the most relevant answers to new queries. At the same time, a randomized mechanism is used to explore new and unvisited parts of the network to provide sufficient information for future exploitation. The proposed concepts are verified using a network consisting of 2,000 peers containing descriptive features of 10 million images from CoPhIR collection.
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