Geoparky - nový nástroj udržitelného rozvoje cestovního ruchu

Title in English Geoparks - the new element in sustainable development of tourism


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Životné prostredie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Land protection
Keywords Geoparks; tourism; sustainable development
Description This paper deals with the topic of sustainable development in tourism. First it concentrates on theoretical aspects of the impact that tourism has on the environment, specifically on the negative effects of tourism development that are reflected on natural and cultural environments of a destination, also suggesting instruments that could help to solve the situation. On this occasion the article provides information about geoparks and the experience we have had. The article also describes the emergence of geoparks and explains the basic principals. It mainly stresses the active approach to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage in the particular destination as well as to the implementation of geo-tourism as a way of achieving the sustainable development in the area. On a specific example of the Czech Paradise Geopark, the paper shows the institutional framework and criteria, that an area has to fulfil in order to get on the list of national geoparks. Eventually, it identifies the key factors that are crucial if a successful implementation of geoparks in an area is to be accomplished.
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