Moderní přístupy ke zdraví ve vztahu k Rámcovému vzdělávacímu programu pro předškolní vzdělávání


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Title in English Modern Approaches Towards Health in the Relation to Framework Educational Programs for Pre-school


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sport a kvalita života 2007
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Citation BRŮŽKOVÁ, Lucie, Marie BLAHUTKOVÁ and Jaromír BRANČ. Moderní přístupy ke zdraví ve vztahu k Rámcovému vzdělávacímu programu pro předškolní vzdělávání (Modern Approaches Towards Health in the Relation to Framework Educational Programs for Pre-school). In Sport a kvalita života 2007. první. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2007, p. 31-37. ISBN 978-80-210-4435-7.
Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords Framework Educational Programs for pre-school education motor
Description The paper deals with questions of the introduction of new principles of the curriculum policy into the area of pre-school education, especially within the area of physical education and health. The Framework Education Program for pre-school education represents the fundamental starting point of nurseries. In accordance with the above mentioned program the education at these institutions is provided. Motor activities are crucial tools for healthy development of the personality of children. Although there is no direct comment on physical education in this program, several means of physical education aimed at goal and intentions attainment and realisation of various topics are included.
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