Single-source publishing in multiple formats for different output devices


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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of EuroBachoTeX conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web preprint článku
Field Use of computers, robotics and its application
Keywords single-source publishing; output device optimization; JBIG2; MathML; PDF
Description TeX is traditionally used as an authoring tool for paper publishing of scientific texts and textbooks. Parallel electronic publications that are meant for on-screen viewing and web delivery are demanded by readers for many reasons today. The paper discusses ways to single-source author publishing from LaTeX source file, and shows examples of several textbooks published by this approach. Special attention is given to the web document generation either to HTML or XHTML markup with the notation translated to MathML. On-the-fly personalised document generation with JBIG2-compressed pictures for a digital library project DML-CZ is discussed as well.
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